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时间:2023-08-15 19:00:05 浏览量:




第一篇: 美国总统的竞选演讲练习


Barack Obama"s Victory Speech:
Change Has Come To America
  If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
  It"s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.
  It"s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
  We are, and always will be, the United States of America.
  It"s the answer that led those who"ve been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
  It"s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.
  A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Sen. McCain.
  Sen. McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he"s fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.
  I congratulate him; I congratulate Gov. Palin for all that they"ve achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation"s promise in the months ahead.
  I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.
  And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation"s next first lady Michelle Obama.
  Sasha and Malia I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that"s coming with us to the new White House.
  And while she"s no longer with us, I know my grandmother"s watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure.
  To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you"ve given me. I am grateful to them.


第二篇: 美国总统的竞选演讲练习



《文教资料》201X年第25期 摘 要:




评价理论 人际功能 竞选演讲

一、引言 语言具有表达说话人内心活动的功能,可用来表明说话人的状态、目的和态度。事实上,这就是语言的人际元功能。评价理论是基于系统功能语言学的一个新的分支,旨在探究、描述如何运用语言评价、解释和编排原文中的人际关系和人际地位。


二、评价理论 Martin创建的评价系统将表达说话者观点、态度、立场的语言资源称之为评价系统 (appraisal sstem)。该理论是在系统功能语言学理论框架之下对人际意义方面的发展。评价系统包含三个子系统,分别为态度、介入和级差。



1.情感 Martin把态度子系统分为情感、评判和鉴赏。态度系统的核心即为情感。情感就是说话者用言语来表达对外界事物、人和现象所表露的情感反应。



美国总统竞选演讲 201X 美国共和党总统候选人罗姆尼正式竞选演讲双语文本 美国共和党总统候选人罗姆尼正式竞选演讲 I am proud to introdue to ou the next president of the United States of Ameria, Mitt Romne! 我很荣幸地向大家介绍,美国的下一届总统,米特·罗姆尼! Mr. Chairman and delegates, I aept our nomination for President of the United States. 主席先生,各位代表,我接受你们授予我竞选美国总统的提名。

If ou felt that exitement hen ou voted for Barak Obama, shouldn't ou feel that a no that he's President Obama? You kno there's something rong ith the kind of job he's done as president hen the best feeling ou had as the da ou voted for him. 如果你当初投票个奥巴马是感到无比兴奋,现在他真的做了总统,难道你不该感到更兴奋么?你应该明白,如果你对他感觉最好的是投票那天,那他作为总统,做的工作一定是出了什么问题。

What is needed in our ountr toda is not pliated or profound. It doesn't take a speial government mission to tell us hat Ameria needs. What Ameria needs is jobs. Lots of jobs. And unlike the President, I have a plan to reate 12 milion ne jobs. 今天我们国家不需要复杂或深奥。不需要什么特殊政府委员会来告诉我们美国需要什么。美国需要的是就业机会。大量的就业机会。不像奥巴马总统,我有个能创造一千两百万就业机会的计划。

I ish President Obama had sueeded beause I ant Ameria to sueed. 我其实希望奥巴马总统成功因为我希望美国成功。

B 2020, North Ameria ill be energ independent b taking full advantage of our oil, our oal, our gas, our nulear and our reneables. 到2020年,北美中会实现能源上的自给自足,通过充分利用我们现有的石油和煤炭,我们的天然气,核能源和可再生资源。

We ill make trade ork for Ameria b forging ne trade agreements. And hen nations heat in trade, there ill be unmistakable onsequenes. 我们要让国际贸易对美国有利通过达成新的贸易协议,让在贸易中做手脚的国家得到严厉的惩处 I ill begin m presiden ith a jobs tour. President Obama began his presiden ith an apolog tour. Ameria, he siad, had ditated to other nations. No, Mr. President, Ameria has freed other nations from ditators. 我会以“就业之旅”开始我的总统生涯。而当初奥巴马的总统生涯是一“道歉之旅”开始的。他说:


Ever Amerian as relieved the da President Obama gave the order, and Seal Tem Six took out Osama bin Laden. On another front, ever Amerian is less seure toda beause he has failed to slo Iran's nulear threat. In his first TV intervie as president, he said e should talk to Iran. We're still talking, and Iran's entrifuges are still spining. President Obama has thron allies like Israel under the bus, even as he has relaxed santions on Castro's Cuba. He abandoned our friends in Poland b alking XX from our missile defense mitments. But he is eager to give Russia's President Putin the flexibilit he desires, after the eletion. 在奥巴马总统下令“美国海豹六队”行动,并击毙了拉登后,我们每个人都感到如释重负。但在另一方面,今天所有美国人的安全都受到了威胁,因为他没能阻止伊朗发展核武器。在他当选总统后的第一次电视采访中,他说我们应该和伊朗对话。对话仍在进行,伊朗的核分离器也仍在运转。奥巴马总统一方面将一以色列这样的盟友弃于险境,另一方面却放宽对古巴卡斯特罗的制裁。他不但背弃了我们在波兰的朋友,不顾弹防御盟约的协定,反而还急于讨好俄罗斯总统普京,让他在当选后如愿得到期望的“灵活性”。

Under m administration, our friends ill see more loalt, and Mr. Putin ill see a little less flexibilit and more bakbone. We ill honor Ameria's demorati ideals beause a free orld is a more peaeful orld.This is the bipartisan foreign poli lega of Truman and Reagan. And under m president e ill return to it one again. 如果我当政,我们会给盟友更多的忠诚,而让普京见识见识我们的骨气。我们会维护美国的民主理想,因为自由的世界是更和平的世界。这是从杜鲁门和里根时代沿袭下来的,两党都认可的外交政策。如果我当选,我们将回到这样的政策。

President Obama promised to begin to slo the rise of the oeans and heal the planet. M promise is to help ou and our famil. No is the moment hen e an stand up and s

a: I'm an Amerian. I make m destin. And e deserve better! M hildren deserve better! M famil deseves better! M ountr deseves better! 奥巴马总统承诺的是要减慢海平面上升,并拯救世界。而我的承诺是帮助你和你的家庭。是时候站出来说:

“我是个美国人,应该由我主宰自己的命运,我们应该过的更好!我们的孩子应该过的更好!我的家庭应该过的更好!我们的国家也应该更好!” Toda the time has e for us to put the disappointments of the last four ears behind us. To put aside the divisiveness and the reriminations. To forgive about hat might have been and to look ahead to hat an be. No is the time to restore the Promise of Ameria. 今天是时候让我们抛掉过去四年的失望。是时候把分歧与指控放在一边。是时候忘记原本可能发生的事,而向前展望可能发生的故事。是时候重置美国带给人们的希望。

If I am eleted President of these United States, I ill ork ith all m energ and soul to restore that Ameria, to life our ees to a better future. That future is our destin. That future is out there. It is aiting for us. Our hildren deserves it, our nation depends upon it, the peae and freedom of the orld require it. And ith our help, e ill deliver it. Let us begin that future for Ameria tonight! 如果我当选美国总统,我将全心全力恢复我们心中的美国,让我们能看到更美好的未来。我们的未来就是我们的命运。这样的未来就在眼前。等我们去实现。我们的孩子值得拥有它,我们国家的走向取决于它,世界的和平与自由也需要它。在你们的帮助下,我们就能实现它。让我们今晚就开始为拥有这样的未来努力吧!Thank ou so ver muh! Ma god bless ou!M God bless the Amerian people! And ma God bless The United States of Ameria. 非常感谢大家!上帝保佑你们!上帝保佑美国人民!上帝保佑美利坚合众国! 201X年奥巴马总统竞选演讲双语文本 Four ears ago as I had the privilege to travel all aross the ountr and meet Amerians from all alks of life. I deided nobod else should have to endure the heartbreak of a broken health are sstem. No one in the ealthiest nation on earth should go beause the get sik. Nobod should have to tell their daughters or sons the deisions the an and annot make for themselves are onstrained beause of some politiians in Washington. 四年前我有幸周游了全国,遇到了各行各业的人们。我下定了决心不让任何人由于医疗保健系统的不健全而心碎,不让这个世界上最富有的的国家的任何人因为疾病而穷困潦倒。不让任何人需要告诉自己的子女,他们能做什么,不能做什么,会由华盛顿的某些政客而左右。

And thanks to ou, e’ve made a differene in people’s lives. Thanks to ou. There are folks that I meet toda ho have gotten are and their aner’s been aught. And the’ve got treatment. And the are living full lives and it happened beause of ou. 感谢你们,人们的生活才有了更多不同。感谢你们,让今天的我遇到的很多人得到了关怀,得到了治疗。他们能够继续完整地生活,这些都离不开你们。

We've e too far to turn bak no. We've got too muh ork to do to implement health are. We've got too muh ork to do to reate good jobs. We've got too man teahers that e've got to hire. We've got too man shools that e've got to rebuild. We've got too man students ho still need affordable higher eduation. 我们已经经历了那么多,现在不该回头。要落实医疗改革,要创造就业机会,我们还有太多要做。有太多老师等着我们去征集,有太多学校需要我们去重建,有太多学生需要让他们负担得起的大学。

There's more homegron energ to generate. There are more troops that e've got to bring home. There are more doors of opportunit e've gotto open to anbod ho is illing to ork hard and alk through those doors. We've got to keep building an eonom. Or no matter hat ou look like or here ou e from, ou an make it here if ou tr. And ou an leave something behind for the next generation. That's hat at stake right no in Colorado. That's h I'm running for President of the United States of Ameria. That's h I'm asking for our vote. 有太多本土能源要去生产,有更多的军队需要回归祖国,有更多的机会之门需要我们去打开,让那些愿意努力工作的人们有机会成功。我们要继续发展经济。做到无论你是何种肤色,来自何方,只要你努力就可以成功。你就可以为下一代创造更好的条件。这是我们在科罗拉多州要争夺的。这是为什么我要竞选美国总统。这是为什么我希望你们投票给我。

I still believe in ou. And if ou still believe in me, and if ou're illing to stand ith me, and knok on some doors ith me, and make some phone alls ith me, and talk to our neighbors and friends about hat's at stake, e ill in this eletion. We ill finish hat e started. And e'll remind the orld h Ameria is the greatest nation on earth. 我依旧相信你们。如果你们依旧相信我,如果你们愿意支持我,和我一起去叩门拜访,和我一起打电话,告诉你的邻居和朋友们,我们在争取什么,那我们就能在这场竞选中获得胜利。我们就会像上次那样赢得最终胜利。

God bless ou and God bless the United States of Ameria. 上帝护佑你,上帝护佑美利坚合众国。




中国教育在线 knet1240 要想在小升初面试中拿到高分,小升初自我介绍这一环节一定要表现好,给面试老师留下好印象。以下是小升初自我介绍的一些技巧及注意事项分享给大家。













第三篇: 美国总统的竞选演讲练习

Highlights of U.S. Presidential Inauguration Addresses


All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possesses their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression. … Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

…Still one thing more, fellow citizens, a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.


In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The Government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the Government, while I shall have the most solemn one to "preserve, protect, and defend it."

I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.


With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation"s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.


I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impels. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper.

So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.


You have given me a great responsibility—to stay close to you, to be worthy of you, and to exemplify what you are. Let us create together a new national spirit of unity and trust. Your strength can compensate for my weakness, and your wisdom can help to minimize my mistakes.

…We are a strong nation, and we will maintain strength so sufficient that it need not be proven in combat—a quiet strength based not merely on the size of an arsenal, but on the nobility of ideas.

We will be ever vigilant and never vulnerable, and we will fight our wars against poverty, ignorance, and injustice—for those are the enemies against which our forces can be honorably marshaled. … Because we are free we can never be indifferent to the fate of freedom elsewhere. Our moral sense dictates a clear-cut preference for these societies which share with us an abiding respect for individual human rights.


You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation? We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow. And let there be no misunderstanding — we are going to begin to act, beginning today. The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades. They will not go away in days, weeks, or months, but they will go away. They will go away because we, as Americans, have the capacity now, as we have had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.


Our founders saw themselves in the light of posterity. We can do no less. Anyone who has ever watched a child"s eyes wander into sleep knows what posterity is. Posterity is the world to come—the world for whom we hold our ideals, from whom we have borrowed our planet, and to whom we bear sacred responsibility. We must do what America does best; offer more opportunity to all and demand more responsibility of all. It is time to break the bad habit of expecting something for nothing, from our government or from each other. Let us all take more responsibility, not only for ourselves and for our families but for our communities and for our country.


I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of America"s leaders have come before me, and so many will follow. We have a place, all of us, in a long story--a story we continue, but whose end we will not see. It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to conquer.

It is the American story--a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals. The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born.

...Through much of the last century, America"s faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations. America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens. Every child must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them. And every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less, American.

第四篇: 美国总统的竞选演讲练习



推荐访问:竞选 美国总统 演讲 美国总统竞选演讲练习集合4篇 美国总统的竞选演讲练习 美国总统竞选演说